Yeah, I haven't really covered a lot of DC Universe stuff, or DC in general but something recently piqued my interest about the lineup.
Dr. Fate
I can't really tell you how long I've been waiting for a solid update on a new Dr. Fate figure but it's been quite a while. Here's the word from Mattel.
DC Universe Wave 8
Look for these to hit stores in mid-Spring 2009. Truly some of the best figures we have done to date!
Wave 8 will include:
Gentleman Ghost™
Dr Fate™ (with a chase classic version)
Parademon™ (both Red and Yellow versions split 50/50!)
Mr. Terrific™
Commander Steel™
And drum roll…the Collect and Connect™ bonus figure, and our biggest yet at a whopping 10 inches is… GIGANTA™
A great new wave with some army builders and characters who have never made it to toy shelves before! We couldn't be more thrilled with the fan support and the quality of these figures.

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