Shido dropped by with the following review and I thank him dearly for giving these figures the once over. He's a diehard Resident Evil fan and if he can be pleased by these in most respects then I think that most others will be as well.
Here's his review:
Last year the Resident Evil series celebrated its 10th anniversary. This was celebrated in several ways, the release of a video game box set, action figures, and even a stamp book. After the release of the second wave of Resident Evil 4 figures NECA decided to celebrate Resident Evil’s 10th birthday by releasing figures from the classic Resident Evil games. With the success of the first series they followed it with a new “all monster” series.
Standard NECA RE Clamshell design. Actually the same design as the first series but it’s red instead of the blue from the series 1 packaging. The Tyrant actually fills the packaging; he even comes separated just above the knee to accommodate his large size. The back of the package has a picture of the prototype and a brief description about the Tyrant. It also has pics of each additional figure in the series 2 lineup.
“The ultimate life-form made possible through effective implementation of the T-Virus. Tyrant boasts impressive durability and battle capabilities, as well as enough brainpower to obey commands”
I have a few complaints in this department but that is mainly due to the lack of game accurate coloring. He needs some black on that monster arm of his. It just looks to pale. The veins are a lot better than I expected from early photos but could stand to be a bit better. Also overall he could stand to be less pale but I am actually pleased with how he came out as compared to what I saw previously.
Surprisingly, the sculpt is pretty good. However he looks a little thin but overall nice. The details around the monster arm are great, lots of cracks and lines sculpted in give it a nice look. These details from the monster arm are stretched across the left half of the chest. His heart is made of a hard yet slightly soft clear/red plastic material. Good detail was put in the head of this beast; the right half of his face has large veins which lead right below the eye and to the ear area however he has no sculpted right ear. He also has a large vein which leads to the heart though it is not connected to allow free motion of the ball jointed head. And of course as mentioned above he comes separated just above the knees.
Zip, the Tyrant comes with no real accessories unless you count his legs. He also comes with a black oval base.Articulation: Though decently articulated the Tyrant can’t get many poses other than that walking forward pose due to lack of any leg articulation. For some weird reason each finger on his “monster” hand is articulated but can’t do much more than turn the fingers around in weird ways. He also has ball joints in both shoulders, however since right arm is in that straight elbow joint less pose the shoulder joint has no real use. Altogether he has 8 (3 in the finger) POA so the poses are limited.
Over all a good figure the pros outweigh the cons (not by much) but definitely worth the $11.99 for those who missed the Palisades Tyrant. For those who actually have the Palisades Tyrant, I would recommend it simply as another take on the RE 1 Tyrant.
Score: ***
Crimson Head Zombie![](
Nothing much to say that wasn’t said for the Tyrant. Same is said for the back of the package.
"A zombie will become a Crimson Head when revived through the V-ACT process. Its increased bloodlust causes it to move faster and to jump at its victims. They possess long sharp claws and a unique red colored body”
In essence this is basically a repaint version of the Series 1 Zombie. It has deep Crimson red skin and a new brown suit, as opposed to the S.1 green coat. Along with the red he has blue veins around the back of his head as well as his neck. A weird thing I noticed with the paint is the black almost “tiger” stripes going down his fee are a bit strange.
As I stated before this is the same sculpt used for the S.1 so owners of that figure know what to expect. He does however have newly sculpted arms, claws, and head. But it really isn’t a big step up.
The only figure in the lineup to come with any sort of accessory. The Crimson Head has a newly sculpted dog to go along with him. This version of the zombie dog is posed in a more “vicious” ready to attack pose than the one from series 1. A black oval base is included as well.
With only 5 POA. And none of them in the legs you are very limited when it comes time to pose him. The five are divided among the waist, wrist (right), ball jointed shoulders, and a ball jointed head.
Great figure though it really could have used a new leg sculpt, definitely a great addition to your RE, or Zombie collection.
Score: *** (and a half)
Again standard clamshell. However this figure was a bit upsetting to see with all that empty bubble space.
"These creatures were once regular zombies until the T-Virus ravaged their bodies further causing their brains to expand and their skin to deteriorate. They can jump great heights and distances and they attack their prey using their teeth, claws, and tongue.”
Probably the figure with the best paint in this series. The overall muscle color of the body is well executed, as well as the paint on the brain. The claws are painted a silverfish color with blood on the tips of a select few. Along with the muscle pinkish muscle color he also has several dark brown lines to divide the muscles. One paint problem plagues all the lickers I have seen so far, and that is the dirty brown paint around the mouth but it doesn’t distract from the figure that much.
Easily the best sculpted figure of the series however the pose is questionable. Granted it’s based off of the original artwork but it just doesn’t translate all that well into figure form, especially with the limited articulation, more on that later though. One odd thing about the sculpt is that on the left hand there is a soft rubbery material covering part of it. I am not sure of its use but it is apparently there for a reason………….or at least I’d think so.
Along with being the best sculpted, it is also the worst articulated figure in this series. With 5 POA, you think you’d have at least a limited range of poses but they all come out the same. The fact that his elbow joints are swiveled really takes away a lot from the figure. This figure could’ve used articulation in its head, as well as shoulders. The tongue is of course flexible and can be put in all sorts of “lashing poses” however your licker will always be attacking something over his left shoulder.
Except a black oval base this figure comes with nothing. That is actually a disappointment considering all the empty bubble space. I really wish he at least came with at least a corpse to make up for his small size yet normal cost.
One of my favs in this series. If you can get over the awkward pose this is a great fig to add to any RE collection. Or even just a cool monster for someone who wants him. Hands down this is the best interpretation of the Licker to date.
Score: ****
Nothing new to say here. Other than the fact that the Hunter required a larger sized clamshell and he fills it well.
"Born from the fertilized human egg that was infused with reptilian DNA with the T-Virus. Hunters boast razor sharp claws and scale-like skin covering its entire body, a frightening cross between reptile and human.”
I was a bit skeptical about this figure at first cause of the paint issues I saw in previous pictures. But when I actually saw the figure I was very pleased with how he came out. A dark green paint takes up the whole body with some red lines between scales as well as a few sections where the scales are a dirty brown color. The chest/stomach has pale yellow as well as black lines which go across horizontally. The claws are a dirty white and have splatters of blood on them; actually the whole figure has blood splattered on the hands, claws, and arms. I am not too fond of the teeth being pink though, that just seems strange to me. But it’s good to see that he didn’t have the horrible bubble gum pink colored mouth and gums.
This is the big problem with the figure. A lot of fans (including myself) are confused by the large scale of the Hunter. It is actually a decent amount too large. This doesn’t go to say I don’t like the sculpt cause I am actually very pleased with it. It’s the scale I am not a huge fan of. The scales on this figure are a varied assortment of large and small scales across the body, there are a few areas where the scales are a bit less defined but it just adds to overall look of the monster. My final nitpick with this figure’s sculpt is the size of the upper gum it looks a bit goofy.
This was one department which the Hunter beats all the others in this lineup. With 12 POA he can achieve a decent amount of poses. And since the figure is not top heavy you can pose him crouching with worrying about a shelf dive. One thing I don’t understand is the articulation in the fingers? They have no real purpose other than to rotate each finger. The hinged jaw also helps make the Hunter look a bit more aggressive giving it a “screaming” look
Black oval base and that’s it. It is worth mentioning that the Hunter's base is twice the normal size of the bases included with the RE figs so far.
An excellent figure and despite the scale it will make a great addition any RE collection. Or like the Licker a great monster to add to your collection.
Score: ***
Final Word:
NECA so far has done a good job with the Resident Evil line with 2 series of Resident Evil 4 and now a 2nd series of Classic RE. Only time will tell if they will release more, I got my fingers crossed but till then. I recommend these for someone looking to expand their RE collection or just adding some cool monsters and a zombie to your collection.
For more pictures, visit the ToyPit Messageboards... or click right here
Here's his review:
Last year the Resident Evil series celebrated its 10th anniversary. This was celebrated in several ways, the release of a video game box set, action figures, and even a stamp book. After the release of the second wave of Resident Evil 4 figures NECA decided to celebrate Resident Evil’s 10th birthday by releasing figures from the classic Resident Evil games. With the success of the first series they followed it with a new “all monster” series.
Standard NECA RE Clamshell design. Actually the same design as the first series but it’s red instead of the blue from the series 1 packaging. The Tyrant actually fills the packaging; he even comes separated just above the knee to accommodate his large size. The back of the package has a picture of the prototype and a brief description about the Tyrant. It also has pics of each additional figure in the series 2 lineup.
“The ultimate life-form made possible through effective implementation of the T-Virus. Tyrant boasts impressive durability and battle capabilities, as well as enough brainpower to obey commands”
I have a few complaints in this department but that is mainly due to the lack of game accurate coloring. He needs some black on that monster arm of his. It just looks to pale. The veins are a lot better than I expected from early photos but could stand to be a bit better. Also overall he could stand to be less pale but I am actually pleased with how he came out as compared to what I saw previously.
Surprisingly, the sculpt is pretty good. However he looks a little thin but overall nice. The details around the monster arm are great, lots of cracks and lines sculpted in give it a nice look. These details from the monster arm are stretched across the left half of the chest. His heart is made of a hard yet slightly soft clear/red plastic material. Good detail was put in the head of this beast; the right half of his face has large veins which lead right below the eye and to the ear area however he has no sculpted right ear. He also has a large vein which leads to the heart though it is not connected to allow free motion of the ball jointed head. And of course as mentioned above he comes separated just above the knees.
Zip, the Tyrant comes with no real accessories unless you count his legs. He also comes with a black oval base.Articulation: Though decently articulated the Tyrant can’t get many poses other than that walking forward pose due to lack of any leg articulation. For some weird reason each finger on his “monster” hand is articulated but can’t do much more than turn the fingers around in weird ways. He also has ball joints in both shoulders, however since right arm is in that straight elbow joint less pose the shoulder joint has no real use. Altogether he has 8 (3 in the finger) POA so the poses are limited.
Over all a good figure the pros outweigh the cons (not by much) but definitely worth the $11.99 for those who missed the Palisades Tyrant. For those who actually have the Palisades Tyrant, I would recommend it simply as another take on the RE 1 Tyrant.
Score: ***
Crimson Head Zombie
Nothing much to say that wasn’t said for the Tyrant. Same is said for the back of the package.
"A zombie will become a Crimson Head when revived through the V-ACT process. Its increased bloodlust causes it to move faster and to jump at its victims. They possess long sharp claws and a unique red colored body”
In essence this is basically a repaint version of the Series 1 Zombie. It has deep Crimson red skin and a new brown suit, as opposed to the S.1 green coat. Along with the red he has blue veins around the back of his head as well as his neck. A weird thing I noticed with the paint is the black almost “tiger” stripes going down his fee are a bit strange.
As I stated before this is the same sculpt used for the S.1 so owners of that figure know what to expect. He does however have newly sculpted arms, claws, and head. But it really isn’t a big step up.
The only figure in the lineup to come with any sort of accessory. The Crimson Head has a newly sculpted dog to go along with him. This version of the zombie dog is posed in a more “vicious” ready to attack pose than the one from series 1. A black oval base is included as well.
With only 5 POA. And none of them in the legs you are very limited when it comes time to pose him. The five are divided among the waist, wrist (right), ball jointed shoulders, and a ball jointed head.
Great figure though it really could have used a new leg sculpt, definitely a great addition to your RE, or Zombie collection.
Score: *** (and a half)
Again standard clamshell. However this figure was a bit upsetting to see with all that empty bubble space.
"These creatures were once regular zombies until the T-Virus ravaged their bodies further causing their brains to expand and their skin to deteriorate. They can jump great heights and distances and they attack their prey using their teeth, claws, and tongue.”
Probably the figure with the best paint in this series. The overall muscle color of the body is well executed, as well as the paint on the brain. The claws are painted a silverfish color with blood on the tips of a select few. Along with the muscle pinkish muscle color he also has several dark brown lines to divide the muscles. One paint problem plagues all the lickers I have seen so far, and that is the dirty brown paint around the mouth but it doesn’t distract from the figure that much.
Easily the best sculpted figure of the series however the pose is questionable. Granted it’s based off of the original artwork but it just doesn’t translate all that well into figure form, especially with the limited articulation, more on that later though. One odd thing about the sculpt is that on the left hand there is a soft rubbery material covering part of it. I am not sure of its use but it is apparently there for a reason………….or at least I’d think so.
Along with being the best sculpted, it is also the worst articulated figure in this series. With 5 POA, you think you’d have at least a limited range of poses but they all come out the same. The fact that his elbow joints are swiveled really takes away a lot from the figure. This figure could’ve used articulation in its head, as well as shoulders. The tongue is of course flexible and can be put in all sorts of “lashing poses” however your licker will always be attacking something over his left shoulder.
Except a black oval base this figure comes with nothing. That is actually a disappointment considering all the empty bubble space. I really wish he at least came with at least a corpse to make up for his small size yet normal cost.
One of my favs in this series. If you can get over the awkward pose this is a great fig to add to any RE collection. Or even just a cool monster for someone who wants him. Hands down this is the best interpretation of the Licker to date.
Score: ****
Nothing new to say here. Other than the fact that the Hunter required a larger sized clamshell and he fills it well.
"Born from the fertilized human egg that was infused with reptilian DNA with the T-Virus. Hunters boast razor sharp claws and scale-like skin covering its entire body, a frightening cross between reptile and human.”
I was a bit skeptical about this figure at first cause of the paint issues I saw in previous pictures. But when I actually saw the figure I was very pleased with how he came out. A dark green paint takes up the whole body with some red lines between scales as well as a few sections where the scales are a dirty brown color. The chest/stomach has pale yellow as well as black lines which go across horizontally. The claws are a dirty white and have splatters of blood on them; actually the whole figure has blood splattered on the hands, claws, and arms. I am not too fond of the teeth being pink though, that just seems strange to me. But it’s good to see that he didn’t have the horrible bubble gum pink colored mouth and gums.
This is the big problem with the figure. A lot of fans (including myself) are confused by the large scale of the Hunter. It is actually a decent amount too large. This doesn’t go to say I don’t like the sculpt cause I am actually very pleased with it. It’s the scale I am not a huge fan of. The scales on this figure are a varied assortment of large and small scales across the body, there are a few areas where the scales are a bit less defined but it just adds to overall look of the monster. My final nitpick with this figure’s sculpt is the size of the upper gum it looks a bit goofy.
This was one department which the Hunter beats all the others in this lineup. With 12 POA he can achieve a decent amount of poses. And since the figure is not top heavy you can pose him crouching with worrying about a shelf dive. One thing I don’t understand is the articulation in the fingers? They have no real purpose other than to rotate each finger. The hinged jaw also helps make the Hunter look a bit more aggressive giving it a “screaming” look
Black oval base and that’s it. It is worth mentioning that the Hunter's base is twice the normal size of the bases included with the RE figs so far.
An excellent figure and despite the scale it will make a great addition any RE collection. Or like the Licker a great monster to add to your collection.
Score: ***
Final Word:
NECA so far has done a good job with the Resident Evil line with 2 series of Resident Evil 4 and now a 2nd series of Classic RE. Only time will tell if they will release more, I got my fingers crossed but till then. I recommend these for someone looking to expand their RE collection or just adding some cool monsters and a zombie to your collection.
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